and veggies and fruits
the best is my love garden.... instead of cut flowers or stupid stuffed animals that just collect dust my honey gives me flower bulbs and perennials
i plant them in my special garden that i have right in front of the kitchen sink window every yr they bloom and grow and its a reminder of how much we love each other and how much we grow with each other every yr
ty it is a nice idea huh? Report It
Reply:Yes! I love to as well. I make a map of my yard and try to pick what goes well together and what will work in that space as far as light and soil. I like them to be different each year except for the seeds of Four O clocks I put in a real sunny spot in the front yard. They do beautifully!
Reply:Yes it is the best time to plant. After the fear of frost. )O(
Reply:Yes. But I live in an apartment so I can only do so much with the pots I have. I also like planting herbs and vegetables. I always have a tomato snd strawberry plant. With flowers I go with daisies, daffodils, those miniature rose plants, pansies, and tulips.
Reply:i would if i still had a yard to plant them in
Reply:Hi Oogly,
Yes, I do. I have a fountain and below are about 46 petunias, asylum, and geraniums. I love the smell of Geraniums. 2 huge pots in front of my house that have petuinias all colors that stand about 3 feet high, White Rose bush, Red Rose bush, in the desert the flowers are beautiful now. some really thrive in the heat. The world seems alive when there are flowers.
Reply:Yes you do and if you want the best flowers use miracle grow topsoil
Reply:ooo yes!!!
Reply:Yes, the kids and I will start the seeds inside this week and bring them outside when they're ready.
Reply:no but i should.. i just dont have anywhere to plant them.. i live with my friend and his family.. i dont know if they would let me plant flowers in the springtime.. if i could i would =]
Reply:i'm glad for having done so for years. i probably have 80 species of perrenials, all of which multiply on their own every year, and generally have to "unplant" some to give away, but i have a variety of bloom from the very earliest spring until the snow flies again.
Reply:never once
Reply:yes. tulips this year
Reply:I plant bulbs in the Autumn that appear as flowers in the Spring:)
Reply:Yes I plant them every year. I really enjoy it. I ussually start planting right before Mother's day.
Reply:Only the good kind!
Reply:My Mother plants roses not only in the spring time but during the Summer as well.
Reply:yes. and veggies too
Reply:I plant them in the fall so they can bloom in springtime!
Reply:Yes I love to plant flowers.
Reply:yes i love to
Reply:Absolutely! Tons of them. My favorite are Morning Glories.
Reply:Yes. With my kids. It's a family tradition that we all look forward to each year.
Reply:Sure, when I have the extra funds. I love having lots of color in my backyard.
Reply:Yes...and I can't wait! ☼
Reply:yes. And I planted some in Autumn so that I would have plenty to blossom in Springcomputer
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