Sunday, March 14, 2010

I have a potted tulip plant. Flowers died but leaves still green.Can I repot them?

My tulip flower died, but leaves still green. Can I re pot them and they still live?
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersSure you can. It would be wasted effort on your part, though. Tulips only bloom once per year. It would be better (as suggested) to put them in the ground.
Reply:You should take them outside and plant them around 4-6 inches deep. Cut the flower and flower stem off but do not cut the leaves off. This is their food for the year. Water them along with all of your other plants. When the leaves turn brown and yellow, cut them off. Keep watering them as usual. Next spring, when they start growing again, give them a shot of fertilizer. Digging some bone meal around the sides a few inches deep will help also. Come next spring they will flower again. Possibly a few babies with them.
Reply:No, but if you live where the winters aren't too cold you can plant them in the ground outside, Don't cut the leaves off, plant deep and you may get tulips next year. Feed well in the autumn and protect from squirrels. (I use moth balls in and around plantings)affiliate reviews

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