Reply:Well there are quite a few. Not all will flower continuously. Here are a few and each is perennial:
Snowball Viburnum, Azaleas, Elderberry, Rhododendron, Rose of Sharon, Spirea, Weigela
Reply:Purple salvia makes a great floweing screen in that it grows quickly and produces beautiful purple flowers all year round. It benefits from the ocaccasional tip pruning and is quite drought hardy. Also it is so easy to propogate, just break a piece off and stick it in the ground.Water it and watch it grow.
Reply:I love russian sage,cat mint,very easy to take care of.
Reply:i have a Hibiscus that has huge 6 inch flowers on it. i live in zone 5 in utah
Reply:Peony is a nice bush
Reply:Azalea, Rhododendron, Hibiscus, Oleander, Lilac, Crape Myrtle (some varieties stay smaller), Rose of Sharon, Forsythia....
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