Reply:Lantanas are great sun-loving low maintenance perennials and they bloom all summer, no dead-heading required.
Marigolds and petunias are good to but you need to dead-head them (remove spent blooms to keep them from going to seed and stop blooming).
Reply:Plaid cacti (Gymnocalycinum) will bloom all summer in white, pink, or red, depending on species.
Asparagus fern makes tiny, coconut-scented flowers, then red berries.
Evolvulus makes small, blue, morningglory-type flowers all summer on a very pretty, gray-leaved plant.
Nierembergia will disappear under a mound of white or purple flowers from spring to frost.
Calla, gladiolas, freesia, and tuberose can be grown in a planter--a large planter--which can then be wheeled indoors for the winter, when the plants have gone dormant, and left dry until spring: much more fun than digging them up every year, and the latter two are wonderfully fragrant.
Nicotiana, gerbera daisy, and osteospermum all bloom ceaselessly if deadheaded; use large pots.
Orchid cacti (epiphytes), usually not fragrant, can take the sun and will bloom at night; so will Queen-of-the-Night, which is fragrant. All make large flowers that unfurl rapidly after dark and are open for only one night, mostly, but not all, white flowers. These also need very large pots.
Kalanchoe and many aloes and other succulents flower throughout the summer.
Reply:Begonias would be great since they do not need much if any maintenance besides watering and a shot of fertilizer.
Geraniums, Zinas, Maragolds and Petunias are also good choices, but you will need to remove the spent blooms in order to keep them in bloom and from getting "leggy". Leggy is a term used for plants when they grow long stems with few flowers and leaves. Not pretty. Occasional pruning keeps the plants compact and full of flowers.
All plants in pots will need to be checked daily for dryness since pots dry very quickly, especially in full sun. Good luck to ya!puppy teeth
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