Reply:I could never grow an azalea either. The same thing happened with all mine. My mum's got one and her garden is as damp as anything, being on a hillside. I assume they like a certain type of soil. This answer has prompted me into looking up references for care of azaleas.. here it is:
Where to Plant
Azaleas grow well in moderate shade to full sunlight, depending on variety. Generally, the Single and Gumpo Azaleas are suited for sunny spots, Doubles and Kurumes are better in moderate shade. They are better planted on the south and east side of your home, where they are sheltered from the hot sun.
Special care should always be taken to keep them from drying out. Plan your planting according to the fully mature size of the plants. The spacing for most singles should be approx 1.5m apart and for the smaller growing Doubles and Kurumes, 0.5m to 0.8m for best results.
When and How Should I Plant Azaleas?
Azaleas grown in containers can be planted out at anytime of the year. Make sure water is kept up to them.
1 Plan the planting for the fully mature size of the plants (check this on the label). Spacing for most Azaleas should be 1 - 1.4 metres apart.
2 Dig individual holes for each plant about 0.45 metres across and about 0.3 metres deep.
3 Prepare the soil generously with peat moss, leaf mould or other organic matter that will increase soil acidity and moisture holding capacity. If your soil is poor draining, you are much better off growing your Azaleas in containers or in a built-up bed. A built-up bed should be at least 25cm’s deep of good, loam soil.
4 Set the plant in the centre of the hole no deeper than it was in the nursery pot. Fill the hole up with soil around the roots.
5 Soak the plant well.
During dry spells soak them thoroughly every 7 to 10 days, and be sure that the water reaches all the way to the bottom roots.
Pruning is not important, but if one wants to shape the plants, immediately after flowering is the best time.
Immediately after flowering in Spring is the best time to fertilise with an Azalea fertiliser
It is important to mulch Azaleas to keep in the moisture - a new mulching material should be added after fertilising. Pine needles, oak leaves, shredded bark, leaf mould all about 5cm thick, is quite good mulch and keeps the moisture around the roots of the plant.
Pest Control
Azaleas have few pests and diseases. Seek advice from your local nursery before using a fungicide, pesticide or herbicide.
Azaleas are a very rewarding plant in your garden
and once established are very little trouble to grow.
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