Sunday, October 11, 2009

What are some nice year round outdoor plants for CA?

I live in San Diego, CA and am looking for flowering plants that will bloom year round. They will be planted in an area that is mosty sunny, about 70% of the day the area is direct sunlight. I would prefer plants/flowers that do not take much care, just a bit of water and they'll be good! Thanks!!
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersThe following flowering plants flourish in dry conditions once established. Latin/botanical name given first, then the common name. Varieties are in single quote marks. X marks a hybrid. If the botanical name has been changed, the original is given in italics.


Agapanthus africanus - Lily of the Nile

Andropogon gerardii - Big Bluestem, Turkeyfoot

Campanula poscharskyana - Serbian Bellflower

Echium species (no common name)

Eremophila decipiens - Emu Bush

Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda tree

Lavandula species - Lavender

Rosemarinus officinalis - Rosemary

Salvia leucantha - Mexican Bush Sage

Westringia fruticosa - Coast Rosemary (not a true rosemary)


Arctostaphylos species - Manzanita

Amaryllis belladonna - Belladonna Lily, Naked Lady (Brunsvigia rosea)

Anisodontea x hypomandarum - Cape Mallow

Aptenia cordifolia - Red Apple

Cistus species - Rockrose

Galvezia speciosa - Island Bush Snapdragon

Leptospermum scoparium 'Ruby Glow' - New Zealand Tea Tree 'Ruby Glow'

Raphiolepis umbellata - Yeddo Hawthorn

Salvia greggii - Autumn Sage


Cercidium species - Palo Verde

(Cercidium 'Desert Museum' is a thornless cultivar)

Fremontodendron species - Flannel Bush (Fremontia)

Genista species - Broom (some are like weeds; choose carefully)

(Cytisus, Spartium)

Parkinsonia aculeata - Mexican Palo Verde


Cercis occidentalis 'Alba' - Western Redbud 'Alba'

Myrtus communis 'Compacta' - True Myrtle 'Compacta'

Multi-Colored Blooms

Dietes iridioides - African Iris, Fortnight Lily

(white with yellow %26amp; purple)

Feijoa sellowiana - Pineapple Guava

(white with pink/red)

Colored leaves

Phormium tenax - New Zealand Flax (wide variety of colors available)
Reply:Ornamental flowering garlic, marigolds, four o'clocks, lilies, pansies, lantana. There's so many. If you live near a garden center, or Home Depot, they will have a huge selection.
Reply:Lantana would be ideal. You could also try any of the species of ice plants.
Reply:Hibiscus are great in ground or in pots.

I live on the central coast, and my hibiscus bloom 11 months of the year (they like a warm wall/fence, little wind, and moderate water)

With those hibiscus, you can underplant with african daisies (lemon yellow, orange orange, purple, white/blue); it's been my experience that they bloom year-round if you keep them dead headed.
Reply:Marijuana would be

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