what plant can survive in that heat and is non toxic to the gecko but common enough to buy in a place that sells plants/flowers?
Reply:I've always used the ones called "pothos" or the "shefflera" They can even live in water with very little nutrition and stand botha cold and hot temps. They're not toxic. My veiled chameleon, bearded dragons and my iguanas have eaten them by chance (let me make clear they are not part of their diets) and nothing has happened yet. You can also find them referred to as non toxic in several pages on the web
Try Melissa Kaplan's page at http://www.anapsid.org
this site gives some ideas of live plants and mosses.
Reply:Geckos like humidity and peace-lily’s love water, and are not toxic. Have you considered using a peace lily? They are very common and very inexpensive. Some of the ones with flowers can get pricy the most I spent for one was $16.00; however, some are as little as $5.00. You can get them at Home Depot.nanny
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