if this helps; Sidng is white, colonial style 2 story, some red brick front and chimney. This is mature landscaping area. Area underneath square bay window is bare although a little ground conver is beginning to take. Red metal roof above window. We've tried rhododendrons, roses and hydrangeas. All failed. So what to do? Please help with your ideas, pictures, web sites etc. Thanx!
The south facing bay window leads me to think that it is 100% sun, %26amp; needs alot of water - think about that when selecting plants. Under a bay eindow emphasizes the need for water. Rhododendren's roots are near the surface %26amp; need alot of water, and hydrangea %26amp; rhodo both need acid soil, both do better with non-direct sunlight.
Take a trip to the garden center %26amp; get a bag of compost, %26amp; look at the "full sun" plants, and ask about those that do well in drought conditions - that will give you some ideas.
Reply:If the plants you've mentioned failed I suggest you check your soil first before investing anything. All three of those choices should have done well especially the roses. I think you may have some kind of problem with the soil that isn't letting anything grow so seeds are a waste until you find out. You might need to replace all that ground if its coming from the ground or just put down mulch if its a problem from another source.
It's up to you what plants to plant but try the tallest to smallest. Tallest in the back against the house and work your way to the front. You might want to use a mobile green house so birds and other animals wont dig them up until they are mature. From the description of your house any color or lay out would work.fitness
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